Tuesday, March 26, 2013


She is called by many names,
She is an epitome of sacredness…
From her seven fold height,
 She arrives on the planes of mortals as a symbol of hope…

                                Spreading many a smile,
                              She flows through our hearts as a small river,
                               Full of life, with unbound energy
                           Like a child dancing in the rain…

Past forests, rocks, bridges
Past the varying landscape,
Moving like a snake,
Meandering yet firm in her resolve

                                            Thunderously voicing her words,
                                                 Through rapids and waterfalls,
                                          She still holds onto her grace…

Our holy mother,
In her protective shadow life prospers
Caring, providing for her brethren
She is the lord of her domain,
Strong in her views
But a symbol of understanding,
Forgiving our sins with a smile…

                                                  She carries away our dead
                                                      But is the provider of our life… 

                                                              She is our trade river,
                                                        But we destroy her holiness with our greed, filth and lust…

She is revered as a symbol of power,
She is the corridor of hope,
She is clear yet mysterious,
She is dark yet kind hearted
She is the sweetest angel but also a force of wrath…

She is silent yet violent,
She is beautiful, humble and vibrant…

She is a woman,
Not a doll wrapped in a saree…

                                Save her…
                                 Protect her…
                            She has a heart too…
