Sunday, March 9, 2014

my grandmother

There are very few words i have left to describe this phenomenon, She is always seen with a smile reflecting on her face, She is seldom tired of jugglery in the kitchen, She is a bundle of energy at all times in the day, She is my source of strength in situations demanding courage... My earliest memories of childhood is holding her hands,walking to the a lot of temples, and then having a wonderful icecream, idli vade sambar on the way back... In the afternoon sun,sleeping next to her,listening to stories of gods, godmen and epics, At times hearing ramayana in the middle of mahabharatha... Those are times i fondly look upon with a smile... She is like a kid, even though technicaly she is a senior citizen, Always smiling, always a sport for a joke... She is strong willed, a god fearing simple woman... Yet her influence over a simple lad like me has been greatly infinite... I have seen various emotions draw on her face, elation at our success Sadness over a life s tough choices, Devotion in the presence of god, Tears in times of melancholy... Yet i ve have never seen her in anger, Never seen her shoulders droop by giving up, Never hurt anyone with her words... Even though her teeth are missing now, her bugs bunny style of dentistry is unavailable, She is among the most beautiful souls i have ever known , I shall ever know...

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